If you have lost some of your teeth, you may be feeling insecure about the appearance of your smile. To enhance your smile, you may want to consider removable partial dentures. In some cases, individuals require a full set of dentures because they are missing most of their teeth. However, if you are only missing a few teeth that are next to each other, you may want to simply fill in your gaps with removable partial dentures rather than getting a full set of dentures to help maintain a healthy bite. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of removable partial dentures and how a trusted Dentures & Removable Partials/ Dentists Located in Basking Ridge & Morristown, NJ can help you today.
Why would I need partial dentures?
In some cases when an individual is missing some of their teeth, they may get a fixed bridge to fill the gaps in their mouth. However, sometimes a bridge is not the most suitable option for an individual missing several teeth because there are not enough surrounding teeth to support the bridge. To fill in your gaps, you should consider partial dentures instead of a fixed bridge. Often, it is recommended that those missing three or more teeth next to each other should consider partial dentures. Many require this type of denture to restore the form and function of their jaws. Typically, missing teeth cause problems with their bite (occlusion). This is because their teeth shift which alters the way they bite. This could affect their speech and ability to chew. In addition, the shifting of opposing teeth could alter an individual’s facial structure. However, to prevent any underlying issues, individuals need to consider this type of removable denture. Overall, there are many benefits to having partial dentures.
Are they cost-effective?
Fortunately, for individuals seeking a solution to fix their bite and smile, partial dentures are an affordable option. Most dental implants are costly and have long recovery periods. However, these types of dentures are cost-effective. They only take a couple of weeks to adjust to. Removable dentures are particularly beneficial for individuals who have dental anxiety and are afraid of oral surgery. These types of dentures do not require oral surgery as they are removable and temporary. Moreover, there are several different types of prosthesis that you can choose from including acrylic clasp, cast mental, and flexible removable partial dentures. Fortunately, numerous dentures could fit your specific needs. However, if you are looking for a more affordable option, you should consider getting an acrylic clasp or cast metal dentures. Flexible partial dentures tend to be on the pricier side.
If you are missing a tooth or teeth, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with one of our adept and skilled dentists. Our team is committed to helping our clients maintain healthy mouths. Come visit us today!